Friday, October 26, 2018

Food for Friends Luncheon

Thank you to all who participated by donating food and/or volunteering.  Parent support is what makes this amazing day possible! 

Unity Day

We are united for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion.  We talked about the school anti-bullying pledge that all students will be asked to sign and brainstormed ways we can be UPSTANDERS rather than bystanders.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Continents and Oceans Quiz Study Guide

For the continents and oceans quiz, students will have these same maps, but the numbers will be mixed up.  Students will need to write the name of the continent or ocean next to the number it matches.  The names will all be provided on the quiz.  We're making a book that will be sent home next week to help students study where we're writing down facts about each continent to get more context and help the continent stick in our brains.  Some students might not have all the facts written down, but the book will not be graded.  It's just a tool to help deepen the understanding of the continents. 

Religion Unit 1 Study Guide

The Religion test for Unit 1 is next Tuesday, 10/23. 

Religion Unit 1 Study Guide (Blank Copy)

Tuesday, October 9, 2018


In PS Science we've been learning that all living things eat, breathe, move and grow, reproduce, and die.  We'll be observing mealworms in our classroom for the next few weeks to see how they grow and change during their life cycle. 

Sunday, October 7, 2018

September Awards

Congratulations to our i-Ready Champions for the month of September!

And congratulations to our Students of the Month for September!